Marilyn’s Blog

Entertaining the Kids at the Wedding

Entertaining the Kids at the Wedding

“I’d always planned on children being in and at our wedding, so I had to think like a kid when it came to distracting them,” says Jane Bliss. “My favorite part of the wedding was shopping for the kids’ table!” During the reception, her young guests sat at one table for both food and crafts, with art supplies and picture frames, as well as trinket toys. “They had a blast, and they made things that had to do with the wedding, which was not a requirement,” she says.

A Separate Room for Kids

If little guests are going to be in their own supervised room, experts suggest filling it with easy-to-coordinate activities — including board games; gender-neutral, kid-appropriate movies; and simple art projects. Even better, create a “Kids’ Club,” says Becker, and hire insured childcare providers to act as counselors who set up themed activities. During a beach wedding, for instance, she suggests painting shells and reading stories about sea creatures. For couples with big budgets, consider hired entertainers such as balloon artists, magicians, and puppeteers.

Can the Nanny Come Too?

A lot of parents prefer to leave their child with a familiar sitter, says Kaforey, so this isn’t an unusual scenario. If it’s in your budget, by all means include the nanny; not only is it a generous gesture, but it will give the invited parents peace of mind. Seat the nanny wherever you’re seating the children — at the parents’ table, a children’s table, or in a separate room (be sure to include her in the head count for an adult meal). Also, remember that she’ll require an escort card and place card. That said, you’re in no way obligated to say yes. Your guest list is your guest list, and you shouldn’t have to invite someone just because someone wants you to. This is especially true if you’re having an intimate affair with only your family and close friends in attendance or if you’re on a tight budget.